MedVed Inc

Plan Participant


You might be here to find out who MedVed is and why you have been asked to work with a MedVed Advocate.  You may have even called someone in your company to make sure we have been hired to support you.  Here is some information to explain why your company has hired us to help you.

What Does MedVed Do?

We find the absolute lowest price in the market for your medication.  Sometimes the medication comes directly from the manufacturer, other times it comes from a domestic or international pharmacy.

Regarding International Pharmacies:

We only source medications from Tier 1 countries that meet or exceed the FDA standards in the United States; e.g. Canada.  You receive the same medications from the same manufacturers shipped in the original manufacturer’s packaging.  Hmmm…we understand that it may not make sense that U.S. citizens pay more than international citizens pay for the exact same brand name medications but that is the case.  MedVed’s work will save you significant out of pocket dollars by eliminating your co-pays.  Since we also save your employer significant dollars, it is our hope that our work will keep you and your fellow employees from getting increases in your health care premiums during your annual renewal enrollment.

What Will A MedVed Advocate Do For Me?

Your MedVed Advocate is your personal RX assistant that works on your behalf to navigate a complicated system and complete time-consuming tasks like filling out forms, making phone calls, taking phone calls, logistics planning, etc.  A MedVed advocate does everything possible to make sure you get convenient, low-cost medications.

Help Us Help You:

When your MedVed Advocate reaches out, please do your best to respond as soon as possible. They are kind-hearted people that love the MedVed mission and the value that it generates for families just like you. The shorter the time frame from contact to process completion, the faster MedVed can ensure delivery of your medication along with the savings that will ease your financial burden.